Bonus – 2008-2009 In Review…Moe Is The Sniper

What was supposed to be one or two bonus installments at most became a month-long affair, but it’s finally over: the last bonus installment of our decade in review!

We’ll post traditional format episodes in which we actually review things and stuff next time. Note: contrary to what Silent Scope may suggest, in this instance the sniper is not the key.

PS: the amateur video Daryl mentioned near the end is this one. It involves guys like Yuji Shimomura, Tak Sakaguchi, and various other now-famous people.

Bonus – 2007 In Review…Because 2008-2009 Took Too Long

What should have been the final installment of the AWO 2000-2009 Decade in Review is now the penultimate since the recording went too long. No matter! That makes this a “mere” 45 minutes long!

If that’s just not enough podcast for you given our extended hiatus due to Anime Boston and Otaku USA deadlines, here’s what we’ve been up to in the interim: